Tuesday 17 June 2008

Great Dixter, UK

Another garden I just had to return to see in all its glory is that of guru Christopher Lloyd, and his protégé Fergus Garret at the wonderful Great Dixter Garden.

The purple Alliums, red Ladybird Poppies and Pink Galdioli are signature plants for the garden during this second succession. The garden will 'flush' up to five times throughout the growing season. It is subliminally gorgeous.

Container displays are also a feature, proving that amazing seasonal displays can be created in pots. You don't have to have just boring bedding plants in one pot, some dull grasses by themselves in another. Be inventive, be creative, be radical.

The Lupins at one end of the Long Border are a drawcard, and their statuesque structure makes a strong statement.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Anthony,
    I have just had a look at your updates on your blog and they are really good. I enjoyed the articles on Chelsea and the photos of the various gardens, particularly Great Dixter.
    Love, Dad.
